Hydrostor’s proposed power station … learn the facts!

Picture of Outback Astronomy
Outback Astronomy

We have been suffering for three years.

Now, we are snapping back like a Chihuahua in a crowded supermarket.

Facts on the proposed power station

This website – https://outbackastronomy.xyz/ – is our effort to correct some of the project spin. It’s been spread by Hydrostor, or left uncorrected by them. Broken Hill City Council have helped to propagate certain project myths. Access is temporarily unavailable while we review legals.

We’ve been learning the facts of this project for nearly three years because we are worried sick everything we’ve built over the last decade will be ruined by this power station. Our tourism business is good for Broken Hill. It directly supports clubs, pubs, cafes, hotels, caravan parks and retail shops and has done so for 10 years.

It will be a great loss for Broken Hill in the event the project is approved across the road from us. We cannot otherwise imagine that our business can survive the project construction period, let alone 50 years of operation.

So, before we “go”, if this is to be our destiny, we want you to know what we know.

In the website we reveal some key misunderstandings spread in the community, highlight areas where Broken Hill City Council lack understanding of the project and show how carefully spin-doctored company narrative was used in some areas to propagate myth, depending upon the message “recipient”.

Frankly, we feel that no one in the world cares about the impact of the power station on us.

We’ve been trying to correct the facts. No one seems to want to know.

This is our attempt to clear the facts so that if the project is approved, and our business and lifestyle is to be ruined, there is some record of how it happened.